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Sociology, a scholarly discipline aims at understanding and exploring the origin, development, organization and functioning of human society. Being a multi-disciplinary approach, this program launches to lead and equip students with the fundamental and applied principle of sociology, which is the positive science of society. As a scientific discipline, sociology poses for showing the nexus between theory and data to make sense of the social problems clearly in a systematic manner. Emerging in the middle of 19th century, Sociology dominates extensively for building global leaders, policy makers and young professionals all over the world with a view to inspiring and implementing several development initiatives. Eventually, this discipline has amazingly articulated ample opportunities and created new avenues for welcoming diversified professions in a challenging environment. Department of Sociology is one of the leading Departments of Dhaka International University. It started the journey in 1996. Two shifts are concurrently run here as B.S.S program: First shift and Second Shift. At the current stage, 32nd batch is running in both First shift and Second shift. Department also provides M.S.S. degree (both one and two years).The former students of Sociology Department have formed DIU Sociology Alumni Association. This has created an opportunity to exchange academic and professional knowledge and experience among the existing and former students of Dhaka International University in the field of Sociology.


Jamsedur Rahman Associate Professor & Chairman [email protected]

Sociology is the systematic study of societies. Sociologists study what societies are, how they are organized, how they change, and how they persist. We also investigate the effects of social networks and institutions on how people act, think, and feel.
Sociology is more important than ever. Many controversies today involve basic questions about how we should organize our societies. But too many powerful voices in politics, media, and government today express contempt for expertise and scholarly inquiry.
The Department of Sociology at the Dhaka International University was founded in 1996 with a vision of sociology that encompasses the study of social theory, history, and culture around the world. We offer training in a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches, from the humanistic to the computational. We have particular concentrations of expertise in the sociology of international migration; science, knowledge, and social movements; and social inequalities.
An undergraduate major in sociology offers rigorous preparation for graduate study in sociology, political science, and other social and behavioral sciences. It is also an excellent preparation for professional training in social work. Sociology major provides a strong foundation for careers in the private sector, government, and non-profit organizations. I invite students interested in pursuing sociology major or minor to meet with our undergraduate coordinator for more specific information and advice on requirements, courses, and departmental activities in general.


  • To introduce students with a broad spectrum of sociological knowledge, including its perspective, origin and applications.
  • To articulate and integrate the concepts, theories and research findings within sociology.
  • To identify the basic methodological approaches and conceptualize the role of the methods in building sociological knowledge based on empirical data.
  • To apply the basic statistical tests used in the social sciences to respond to the research questions and social facts.
  • To develop the ability to gather literary information; to think critically, logically and creatively, and to communicate effectively.
  • To enhance the educational foundation for increasing student’s involvement in graduate study and a wide variety of carriers.



Our students engage themselves in various interesting extra curricular activities all through the year.


Sociology, though a relatively new discipline, today occupies the central position among the Social Sciences. It is indeed widely considered as the Social Science per excellence. Proper study of Sociology is therefore a demand of our time. In preparing the four-year BSS Honours program, efforts have been made not only to highlight the concepts, methodology and theories of the discipline in its current form but also to focus on the special needs of our own. Provision has been made for empirical and field study as well. The program also seeks to explore the frontiers between sociology and other social sciences such as social history, political science, social philosophy, social psychology and, last but not the least, social anthropology which is closely akin to sociology. The purpose is to broaden the horizon of young learners so that they are in a position to understand and appreciate the scope of the discipline as well as the changing human society in a better way

Admission Requirements

A prospective BSS (Hons.) in Sociology student must have minimum seceond division/GPA 2.5 in S.S.C and H.S.C or equivalent 'O' & 'A' level or successful completion of twelve years of studies at high school level from abroad or equivalent. He/She will have to appear at an admission test. The graduates who have completed BSS (Four years) in Sociology with minimum CGPA 2.50 out of 4.00 from a recognized university are eligible for admission in the regular MSS in Sociology (1 Year) Program. For MSS in Sociology (2 Years) Program the applicants must have at least Bachelor Degree with GPA-2.00 (minimum) from any discipline.

1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0314-1101 Introduction to Sociology [Part-I] 3 0314-1207 Introduction to Sociology [Part-II] 3
0314-1102 Introduction to Anthropology 3 0314-1208 Cultural Anthropology 3
0312-1103 Elements of Political Science 3 0314-1209 History of Political Thought 3
0222-1104 Liberation War and the Emergence of Bangladesh 3 0311-1210 Principles of Economics 3
0232-1105 Bengali Language and Literature 3 0231-1211 Basic English Language 3
0613-1106 Fundamentals of Computer 3 0314-1212 Seminar &Viva-voce 2
  Total Credit 18   Total Credit 17
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0421-2113 Criminology 3 0223-2219 Social Psychology 3
0314-2114 Social Problems in Bangladesh 3 0314-2220 Social History 3
0314-2115 Western Social Thought 3 0314-2221 Sociology of Education 3
0312-2116 Political Development in Bangladesh 3 0320-2222 Sociology of Mass Communication 3
03142117 Social Demography 3 0314-2223 Social Structure of Bangladesh 3
0231-2118 Functional English 3 0314-2224 Seminar & Viva-voce 2
  Total Credit 18   Total Credit 17
5th Semester 6th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0542-3125 Elementary Social Statistics 3 0542-3231 Advanced Statistics 3
0314-3126 Classical Sociological Theory 3 0314-3232 Contemporary Sociological Theory 3
0314-3127 Industrial Sociology 3 0314-3233 Social Research Methods (Part-I) 3
0222-3128 World Civilization 3 0314-3234 Rural Sociology 3
0314-3129 Social Thought in the East 3 0314-3235 Gender and Development 3
0314-3130 Political Sociology 3 0314-3236 Seminar &Viva-voce 2
  Total Credit 18   Total Credit 17
7th Semester 8th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0314-4137 Medical Sociology 3 0314-4243 Post-modernism 3
0314-4138 Social Inequality 3 0314-4244 Sociology of Globalization 3
0314-4139 Social Research Methods (Part-ii) 3 0314-4245 Sociology of Disaster 3
0314-4140 Urban Sociology 3 0314-4246 Research Monograph 3
0314-4141 Environmental Sociology 3 0314-4247 Comprehensive & Viva-voce 4
0314-4142 Sociology of Development and Under Development 3      
  Total Credit 18   Total Credit 17
Total Credit: 140  

Sociology, though a relatively new discipline, today occupies the central position among the Social Sciences. It is indeed widely considered as the Social Science per excellence. Proper study of Sociology is therefore a demand of our time. In preparing the four-year BSS Honours program, efforts have been made not only to highlight the concepts, methodology and theories of the discipline in its current form but also to focus on the special needs of our own. Provision has been made for empirical and field study as well. The program also seeks to explore the frontiers between sociology and other social sciences such as social history, political science, social philosophy, social psychology and, last but not the least, social anthropology which is closely akin to sociology. The purpose is to broaden the horizon of young learners so that they are in a position to understand and appreciate the scope of the discipline as well as the changing human society in a better way

Admission Requirements

A prospective BSS (Hons.) in Sociology student must have minimum seceond division/GPA 2.5 in S.S.C and H.S.C or equivalent 'O' & 'A' level or successful completion of twelve years of studies at high school level from abroad or equivalent. He/She will have to appear at an admission test. The graduates who have completed BSS (Four years) in Sociology with minimum CGPA 2.50 out of 4.00 from a recognized university are eligible for admission in the regular MSS in Sociology (1 Year) Program. For MSS in Sociology (2 Years) Program the applicants must have at least Bachelor Degree with GPA-2.00 (minimum) from any discipline.

1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0314-11501 Advanced Social Research and Theory Construction 3 0314-12508 Social Change 3
0314-11502 Advanced Sociological Theory 3 0314-12509 Sociology of Development and Modernization 3
0314-11503 Marxist Sociology 3 0314-12510 Disaster Management and Vulnerability 3
0314-11504 Social Inequality 3 0314-12511 Sociology of Poverty 3
0314-11505 Human Rights 3 0314-12512 Gerontology 3
0314-11506 S Sociology of Migration 3 0314-12513 Research Monograph 4
0314-11507     0314-12514 Comprehensive and Viva-voce 4
  Total Credit 18   Total Credit 23
Total Credit: 41

Sociology, though a relatively new discipline, today occupies the central position among the Social Sciences. It is indeed widely considered as the Social Science per excellence. Proper study of Sociology is therefore a demand of our time. In preparing the four-year BSS Honours program, efforts have been made not only to highlight the concepts, methodology and theories of the discipline in its current form but also to focus on the special needs of our own. Provision has been made for empirical and field study as well. The program also seeks to explore the frontiers between sociology and other social sciences such as social history, political science, social philosophy, social psychology and, last but not the least, social anthropology which is closely akin to sociology. The purpose is to broaden the horizon of young learners so that they are in a position to understand and appreciate the scope of the discipline as well as the changing human society in a better way

Admission Requirements

A prospective BSS (Hons.) in Sociology student must have minimum seceond division/GPA 2.5 in S.S.C and H.S.C or equivalent 'O' & 'A' level or successful completion of twelve years of studies at high school level from abroad or equivalent. He/She will have to appear at an admission test. The graduates who have completed BSS (Four years) in Sociology with minimum CGPA 2.50 out of 4.00 from a recognized university are eligible for admission in the regular MSS in Sociology (1 Year) Program. For MSS in Sociology (2 Years) Program the applicants must have at least Bachelor Degree with GPA-2.00 (minimum) from any discipline.

1st Semester 2nd Semester
Soc-501 Classical Sociological Theor Soc-506 Contemporary Sociological Theory
Soc-502 Social Inequality (Part-I) Soc-507 Social Inequality (Part-II)
Soc-503 Human Rights - International Soc-508 Social, Culture and Economic Rights
Soc-504 Sociology of Development Soc-509 Sociology of Development and Modernization
Soc-505 Theory Construction in Sociology Soc-510 Research Monograph
Total Credit: 30

Sociology, though a relatively new discipline, today occupies the central position among the Social Sciences. It is indeed widely considered as the Social Science per excellence. Proper study of Sociology is therefore a demand of our time. In preparing the four-year BSS Honours program, efforts have been made not only to highlight the concepts, methodology and theories of the discipline in its current form but also to focus on the special needs of our own. Provision has been made for empirical and field study as well. The program also seeks to explore the frontiers between sociology and other social sciences such as social history, political science, social philosophy, social psychology and, last but not the least, social anthropology which is closely akin to sociology. The purpose is to broaden the horizon of young learners so that they are in a position to understand and appreciate the scope of the discipline as well as the changing human society in a better way

Admission Requirements

A prospective BSS (Hons.) in Sociology student must have minimum seceond division/GPA 2.5 in S.S.C and H.S.C or equivalent 'O' & 'A' level or successful completion of twelve years of studies at high school level from abroad or equivalent. He/She will have to appear at an admission test. The graduates who have completed BSS (Four years) in Sociology with minimum CGPA 2.50 out of 4.00 from a recognized university are eligible for admission in the regular MSS in Sociology (1 Year) Program. For MSS in Sociology (2 Years) Program the applicants must have at least Bachelor Degree with GPA-2.00 (minimum) from any discipline.

1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0314-1101 Introduction to Sociology 3 0314-1206 Social Statistics 3
0314-1102 Introduction to Anthropology 3 0314-1207 Classical Sociological Theory 3
0314-1103 History of Political Thought 3 0314-1208 Environmental Sociology 3
0314-1104 Social Structure of Bangladesh 3 0314-1209 Social History 3
0314-1105 Rural and Urban Sociology 3 0314-1210 Criminology 3
      0314-1211 Seminar and Viva-Voce 2
  Total Credit 15   Total Credit 17
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
0314-2101 Contemporary Sociological Theory 3 0314-2206 Social Demography 3
0314-2102 Research Methodology 3 0314-2207 Gerontology 3
0314-2103 Sociology of Development and Modernization 3 0314-2208 Human Rights 3
0314-2104 Social Inequality 3 0314-2209 Social Psychology 3
0314-2105 World Civilization 3 0314-2210 Research Monograph 3
      0314-2211  Seminar and Viva-Voce 2
  Total Credit 15   Total Credit 17
Total Credit: 64  
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