Welcome to Dhaka International University
Welcome to DIU


Arif Ahmad Assistant Professor & Chairman [email protected]

I warmly welcome you to the Department of English at Dhaka International University. Established during the 1995-96 session in Dhanmondi, our department proudly flourishes as one of the founding pillars within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, now at the permanent campus of Badda. For nearly three decades, our corridors of Jigatola, Green Road (in the past) and Satarkul (at present) have been trying hard to maintain a world-class standard in order to equip its graduates with such knowledge and skill so as to meet the needs of a globalized world and its challenges.

The Department is proud of its history of offering the MA and BA in English programs. In order to achieve this goal, the department works relentlessly to improve its curriculum and stay up to date with the most recent advancements in all areas and tracks within the specialism, both qualitatively and analytically. In addition to its core courses of Language and Literature, the BA Honours program currently includes a wide range of Contemporary Genre, Applied Linguistics, Digital Literacy Skill, Job-Centered and General Education courses. Now, those who are smarter students—rather than only those with resources—have the opportunity to work on research subjects that interest them in both the Honours and Master's programs. With a thousand students who are highly engaged in their academic work and extracurricular activities and twenty-five staff members who possess exceptional academic credentials, we are now adequately fortified.

Make the most of the links on this page if you are an undergraduate student visiting it. View faculty profiles to find out more about their backgrounds and discover how to get in touch with them. In order to fulfill its 10-year plan and beyond, our department is actively moving forward with its implementation. With materials conveniently housed within the university's main library building, students don't have to go far to access them. During the gaps between classes, this arrangement makes effective study sessions possible. Our department also has a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Our campus is going greener, and we're starting with the hallways and library. I personally invite you to witness these improvements.


  • Ensure quality teaching, learning, and research through applying modern concepts of teaching and learning.
  • Emphasize the approach of active engagement of students in the autonomy of learning.
  • Help the learners to face global challenges using critical thinking, creativity, analytical skills and problem-solving abilities acquired from their training in language, linguistics and literature.
  • Use advanced knowledge of language and literature to develop understanding of local and global issues, developments and cultures.
  • Develop and broaden their understanding and appreciation of the world and its diverse communities and cultures.
  • Involve them in research activities , article publications and seminar presentations.



Our students engage themselves in various interesting extra curricular activities all through the year.


1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
0232-1101 Fundamentals of English 3 0232-1201 Introduction to Reading and Writing 3
0232-1102 Introduction to Listening and Speaking 3 0232-1202 Introduction to Drama and Theatre 3
0232-1103 History of English Literature 3 0232-1203 Introduction to Prose 3
0232-1104 Introduction to Poetry 3 0223-1204 Ethics and Moral Values 3
0611-1105 Fundamentals of Computer 3 0222-1205 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh 3
      0232-1206 Viva-voce 1.5
  Total Credits 15   Total Credits 16.5
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
0232-2101 Introduction to Linguistics 3 0232-2201 Academic and Creative Writing 3
0232-2102 Ancient Epics in Translation 3 0232-2202 ELT Methodology: Principle and Practice 3
0232-2103 Chaucer to Shakespeare 3 0232-2203 Early Modern Literature 3
0222-2104 World History 3 0232-2204 Romantic Poetry 3
0232-2105 Bangla Language and Literature 3 0232-2205 Reading Novels through Theory 3
      0223-2206 Philosophical Thoughts 3
      0232-2207 Viva-voce 1.5
  Total Credits 15   Total Credits 19.5
5th Semester 6th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
0232-3101 English for Professional Purposes 3 0231-3201 Translation Studies: Theory and Practice 3
0232-3102 Introduction to Sociolinguistics 3 0232-3202 Language Through Literature 3
0232-3103 Victorian Poetry and Novels 3 0232-3203 20th-Century British Poetry and Drama 3
0232-3104 19th-Century American Literature 3 0232-3204 20th-Century American Literature 3
0232-3105 Understanding Critical Theory 3 0314-3205 Media, Culture and Society 3
0313-3106 Understanding Psychology 3 0232-3206 Critical Theory and Critical Applied Linguistics 3
      0232-3207 Viva-voce 1.5
  Total Credits 18   Total Credits 19.5
7th Semester 8th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
0232-4101 Technology-Enhanced Language Learning 3 0321-4201 Digital Writing and New Media 3
0232-4102 Language and Intercultural Communication 3 0232-4202 Environment through Literature 3
0232-4103 Australian, Canadian and Indian Literature 3 0232-4203 African and Caribbean Literature 3
0232-4104 Continental Literature 3 0232-4204 Latin American Literature 3
0232-4105 Modern Fiction 3 0322-4205 Postmodern Fiction 3
0232-4106 Research Methods in English Studies 3 0232-4206 Research Monograph/Colloquium/Project 3
      0232-4207 Viva-voce 1.5
  Total Credits 18   Total Credits 19.5
Total Credit=141  
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
0314-5101 Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice 3 0232-5201 Shakespearean Theory and Criticism 3
0300-5102 Gender Theory and Literature 3 0232-5202 20th Century Drama 3
0232-5103 20th Century Prose and Fiction 3 0232-5203 Contemporary Poetry 3
0232-5104 Continental Literature 3 0232-5204 Critical Reading of Literary Adaptations 3
0232-5105 Modern Trends in Literature 3 0232-5205 Sustainable Development and Bangladesh 3
0232-5106 Film Studies 3 0232-5206 Dissertation 3
  Total Credits 18   Total Credits 18
Total Credit = 36
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