Sauda Sumaya Dina, Sharmista Das,Abdullahi Mohamud Addow, Md. Kawser
Typhoniumtrilobatum (Family: Araceae) is a common vegetable and a useful perennial herb in traditional medicine found all over Bangladesh. The purpose of this study was to evaluate thephytochemical screening,totalphenoliccontent, total flavonoid content and antibacterial activity of Typhoniumtrilobatum species. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids,phenoliccompounds and reducing sugar. Theantibacterialstudy resultconfirmed that the crude methanolic extract ofTyphoniumtrilobatumhas the ability to inhibit bacterial growth. The higher antibacterial activity was foundagainst Gram-negative bacteria Shigella bodydiiwhere the zone of inhibition wasfound 12 mm for1000µg/disc extract. The lowest inhibitory activity was found against Salmonella paratyphi with 8 mm zone of inhibition. The presence of total phenolic and flavonoid contents was found10.8mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE/gm) and 6.5 mg quercetin equivalent (QE/gm), respectively in each gram of Typhoniumtrilobatum methanolic extract.The antibacterial effects of the Typhoniumtrilobatumleaves extract may be linked to the presence of phenolic and flavonoid components. However, further studies are required to obtain more reliable information.